
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Some sneak peeks?

First, I'm going to apologize about picture quality.  I'm sure handy, but I'm no photographer. lol

Remember this?
We'll call this a before pic.  I've been working on all sorts of things in here.

Like I said, I'm no photographer, but things are REALLY changing around here.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I need a desk....STAT!

I need a desk.  No.... I  NEED a desk!  I don't spend a ton of time on my laptop, but I really only have one place on the first floor, near the kiddos, that doesn't interfere with life.  That place is the end of the bar.  (I'd show you a pic, but I'm mid- project right there, and don't want to ruin any surprises.)  It does kind of still interfere with life, though.  We have 6 hanging stools at our bar, and depending on the day, I've not only commandeered one of those spots, but often TWO of those spots with my laptop, books, papers, etc.  My family needs me to have a desk. lol

Now, I can't just have any old desk.  It has to be small-ish, so that it can fit in a small area.  I don't want to have the laptop out in the open all the time (which is why I use a laptop and not a PC), because then the kiddos are CONSTANTLY begging to play on the computer.  It's a big distraction to homeschooling. lol  It needs to look nice, because it's not going in our office.  I have a desk and docking station for my laptop in the office downstairs, it's just not practical to have that be the primary place I use it.  I do work from home and need to be close to where the babes are while I work. 

I found this one on
(Project plans here.)
Technically, she calls it a console table, but it's going to work GREAT as a desk for me!  I may just have all the lumber I need for it, already in the garage.  I know I have the stair spindles.  I'm not finished with the other big project I've been working on, but it's a HUGE project!  I'm feeling a little burned-out, so it will be nice to have a small, quick accomplishment in the midst of the one I've been working on for 5 months. lol  Bet ya can't wait to see THAT one, huh? ;)