
Friday, June 21, 2013

I'm pretty impressed....and a little behind. ;)

I don't think I posted at all last month, and I still had 25 page views. :)  Are you guys itching for some more project and pics?  Even when I'm not posting, we still have gobs of projects in the works!

We've had some craziness the last few weeks/months, for sure.

In April, we finished out our school-year with some horrible teething for baby, lots of costume-sewing for me, Shakespeare for Goat, and some Knightly battles for Magician and Tornado.  May was mostly spent getting our garden in.

I went to a weekend of seminars Memorial weekend, while handyman took the boys to the zoo and did some work on his dad's boat.  The next week all the kiddos were sick, but we still worked on the boat.  The first week of June, we took that boat and spent 5 days on a houseboat on Lake Powell with 2 other families.  The boys had a BLAST!  Most of them.  Baby was super sick the whole time.  :(  2 days after we got home, we were in the hospital fighting an ear infection, pneumonia and mild dehydration.  He's been home justg over a week now, and though he caught another cold 2 days after he got home, he's doing better than ever.  We're thinking he's been sick for a while, because we brought a totally different child home from the hospital.  He's so HAPPY and FUN!

This week, we built a chicken tractor out of old hot tub pallets, and have been fixing a bunny hutch I got off Craigslist last Fall.  We're hoping to get both bunnies and chickens this weekend.  We plan on building about half a dozen more chicken tractors, and letting each boy be in charge of one tractor and its inhabitants.  Heaven knows we have the pallets, and plenty of land for the chickens to graze on.  We've been here 2 1/2 years now, and have yet to get chickens because our 1+ acre has no fencing.  We started pulling out sagebrush to prepare for a fence, but realized it's far beyond our skills and tools to do much in our back yard.  So, we're putting off permanent fencing and landscaping for another year or 2, till we can pay someone to do it.  It's going to take lots of heavy equipment to get the yard ready for fencing.  I'll post a pic of the "rocks" (aka boulders) that cover our property, and you'll have a pretty good picture of why it's out of our hands.  We're likely just going to get inexpensive temporary fencing for part of the yard.  Our poor doggy needs to be free to run, and I need the peace of mind that Baby - I guess Toddler, now - isn't going to get lost because we have no fence.

The best news by far, is that July is almost here!  July means the major yard stuff is done till harvest and we can work on house projects!  I have a room with only half of the wainscoting up, a few partially painted walls that haven't been touched since Christmas, a bathroom or 2 that are getting a complete overhaul, and the list goes ON!  Hopefully, I'll also remember to blog more frequently and post some more of my master list for the house.

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